Friday, October 29, 2010

Katya's ChipIn!

We've created a ChipIn! for those who want to donate to Bringing Katya home.

We are still trying to figure out how to add this as a gadget to our sidebar.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Katya lives in orphanage in Kirov. She's 5 years old. Katya was born with cerebral palsy. Katya was lucky. She survived her birth. She's been blessed with a bright mind, beautiful blue eyes, and a heart full of hope.

Katya isn't one to avoid a challenge. Because she is unable to walk, Katya instead uses her hands to take her where she needs to go...even up and down the stairs!

But Katya is running of time. It won't be long before Katya will be labeled as an incapacitated child.



Katya has a forever family just waiting to be able to bring her home. Veronica and Darrin Pierce have been in touch with the Frank Adoption Center in North Carolina, the agency that works with Katya's orphanage.

Through this adoption center the Pierce family has learned it will cost close to $35,000 dollars to adopt Katya and to bring her home.

35,000 dollars to save the life of a beautiful little girl.

Because of this, the Pierce family is humbly asking for your support in raising funds for Katya's adoption. All proceeds would go directly to the Frank Adoption Center to be held in the Pierce Family Adoption fund.

The Pierce family welcomes any support, whether it is a donation to Katya's adoption fund, items to raffle or sell, or ideas on how other may have raised funds for their foreign adoption.

telephone numbers:(801) 785-7602, (801) 319-3369.

Meet Katya